On Thu, 2008-08-28 at 09:50 +0200, Bengt Gördén
Just a suggestion. You need tempo also. I
can't see (I'm not saying it
can't be done) how you could think so many happy thoughts that you could
play, let say prestissimo (extremely fast). I think even adagio (about
one happy thought a second) would be problematic.
I believe that, hiring a drummer
with a tendency to dramatic changes of
mood several times per second would pose a set of problems all of its
own ,,, Really! You don't want to go there :)
[And that's under the assumption that this device even remotely measures
anything that could be - by the best of will - interpreted as emotion,
which nobody so far has bothered showing]
Another issue would be notation. Would
we have to use smilies and
various other heiroglyphics?