Le mercredi 01 novembre 2006 16:51, Kjetil S. Matheussen a écrit :
Only the oss modules in the linux kernel are
deprecated. Programs using
the OSS api will still continue to work, currently most importantly
because of the oss emulation module in alsa.
I knew that the oss module was
deprecated, and I infered that using the OSS
mecanism was too deprecated :-P. Are sure [1]?
If you should choose between alsa and oss, and the oss
version works
just as well, or better than the alsa version, choose oss, because its a
more portable API than alsa.
What do you mean by "the oss version works just
as well, or better than the
alsa version" ?
However, if I were you, I would use sndlib, portaudio,
jack, or some other
higher level audio input/output library instead of oss or alsa.
Well, all the
files, that I will play, will have the same charactistics, do I
really need to bother with an hi-level API [2] ?
[1] I noticed that a lot of applications still use OSS, and I thought it was
because the migration to ALSA was too complex.
[2] Futhermore I am afraid that an hi-level API will produce time drifts in
the playing.