Excerpts from fons's message of 2010-07-22 23:13:45 +0200:
On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 10:50:58PM +0200, Philipp
Überbacher wrote:
We may be comparing the wrong thing when we
compare with the size of
objects to loudness.
Indeed. I did not mention the visual analogy to suggest
that the two domains are similar - rather to point out
they are not. Something that works for one of them does
not for the other.
What I tried to say is that there might be different cases in each
domain, some of which may be similar to a case in another domain.
I wonder how
well we can judge something like twice the
Same problem. I gues we can't. Or that whatever value
of 'double' we arrive at will be without meaning.
My guess so far, but I have *NO* scientific evidence at
all to support it, just some intuition, is that human
perception of loudness of a sound is somehow related to
the extent that a particular sound does prevent us to
detect other known sounds, i.e. to masking effects.
Interesting idea. From the little I read about masking it is a complex
thing as well, frequency, SPL, time between sounds, all that and
possibly more matters. We could think about what makes judging twice the
loudness more difficult and maybe find a relation to another phenomenon
this way. The limits of hearing apply to everything, but what about
factors like the time between two sounds or the length of the sounds?
"Wir stehen selbst enttäuscht und sehn betroffen / Den Vorhang zu und alle Fragen
offen." Bertolt Brecht, Der gute Mensch von Sezuan