On Tue, 21 Jan 2014 13:11:21 +0000
John Rigg <ladev6(a)jrigg.co.uk> wrote:
I think it's unreasonable to
expect the same level of support from unpaid developers. (If they have the
time to do it that's great, but it shouldn't be taken for granted).
Not so in Windows land. Been there, done that a few years ago with a
fairly simple Python/GTK application. I can't remember how much effort I
spent to provide "just working" binaries to make it usable by even the
most non-techie, lazy, ignorant, you name it, users around. Not
counting personal support via private mails, forums and mailing lists.
Most messages I got were insulting at best. However I did have Italian
translation, provided by some Linux user. :-)