On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 01:55:27PM -0400, Dave Robillard wrote:
API so far is
what i'd like to know is, if this is a stupid idea ^_^
The idea itself isn't stupid, but the implementation is.. let's say less
than wise.
(Consider my personal blatant bias, but...) I'd suggest taking a look at
LV2. There is a data file you can add all this information to (whatever
information you want to), without defining any APIs, changing any host
code, etc, etc.
The provisional LV2 spec is at
http://lv2pluig.in/ it could do with some
human language text explaining the technical parts, not just C and RDFS,
but I think theres enough there to make sense of it.
FWIW, I think the "not changing any code" thing is a blind, someone,
somewhere has to change some code if you want new behaviour*. To me the
critical thing is not that, but that a display function or whatever only
solves half the problem. You would also like the app to be able to
"understand" the control value and it's units. But I said that allready :)
* though not if you don't which can be more of an advantage than you'd
- Steve