On Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 11:26:01AM -0400, Dave Phillips wrote:
The use of the computer keyboard in Sequencer Plus is the main reason
I keep using it. MusE, RG, and the crop of Windoze MIDI sequencers are
all very nice, but they all presume that my working method will be mouse
& MIDI-keyboard centric. I don't play keyboard worth a damn, and I find
the mouse to be clumsy and inaccurate compared to keyboard control. It
looks as though your project attempts to revive the more extensive use
of the keyboard in a GUI sequencer, is that correct ?
not a midi sequencer, but denemo has this.
the best interface for note input (i think)
torben Hohn
http://galan.sourceforge.net -- The graphical Audio language