On July 25, 2010 08:00:23 pm you wrote:
On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Tim E. Real
<termtech(a)rogers.com> wrote:
CPU 20% on idle, and when adjusting sliders
it's around 50%. All OK.
Is this more CPU load or less than the original
envy24control? It
should be a lot less load.
Oops, don't know where that 20% came from. Something
must have been running.
Both mixers consume nothing until woken up, and then as a silly test I
operated the sliders, original consumes ~30% new one ~50%, but of course
that's probably just because they do a bit more work now when operated.
When I provide some input and watch the meters, still no CPU consumption.
Is there some test you want me to do?
It's a 32 bit system, btw.
If anybody has suggestions on shrinking the sliders in
Volumes" I'm all ears. I was a but stumped at their resistance to
changing height, and gave up.
Did some coding... Yep, gtk_scale sure is rather
in its spread. It is the number of marks causing this.
We ask it for fifteen ADC slider markings, and it does this ?
I even tried xx-small font size (which still looks good), but no change.
And I tried removing the texts, leaving just the ticks. No change.
Niels, please do the following (sorry I don't have a patch for you),
trust me it will look great at the expense of only 28 extra pixels for
the minimum height over the original - it's all you can really do, man:
Remove the -72 and -108 dB marks on all the monitor sliders
in volume.c: draw_24bit_attenuator_scale_markings().
Remove the -42 and -54 dB marks from the DAC sliders in
volume.c: draw_dac_scale_markings().
Remove the -18, -30, -42, -54, -60 dB markings from the ADC
sliders in volume.c:draw_adc_scale_markings().
Change the level meter heights by changing
gtk_widget_set_usize(drawing, 24, (60 * tall_equal_mixer_ht + 204));
gtk_widget_set_usize(drawing, 24, (60 * tall_equal_mixer_ht + 168));
in envy24control.c: create_mixer_frame().
Trust me they'll love it !
I just noticed that the upper red part of all the meters are gone.
Any plans to re-instate that red coloured portion?
I fear a backlash on that.
IIRC I observed behaviour you described about the last slider marks
requiring no text. Seemed that if you give the last mark text,
it goes ahead and puts a blank one at the end? Not sure.
> I too noticed odd monitor and volume slider behaviour, not present
> in the original mixer.
> The slider knobs have a large amount of 'hysteresis', that is they
> don't move until you move the mouse a large amount.
I did not take a look
at the slider 'hysteresis' problem though, sorry.
Have great day and a better tomorrow.