hollunder(a)gmx.at wrote:
I noticed some of the issues with qjackctl and am glad
they got
addressed now.
One question is still open tough:
Where does jack get it's options when it's auto-started by an
application (not ardour, that's not an auto-start imho).
that's exactly the purpose of the ~/.jackdrc file: it contains the exact
and complete jackd command line that should get auto-started.
qjackctl can write to that file for you, meaning next time jackd gets
auto-started by any other application it gets started with the very same
options as last time set in qjackctl.
otoh, ardour does almost the same but in advance: when jackd is not
found currently running you're presented with the jack settings on the
session open dialog, which then will take effect in ~/.jackdrc and thus
to jackd when it gets immediately auto-started by ardour itself.
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela