On Sat, Dec 14, 2002 at 07:47:55 -0500, David Gerard Matthews wrote:
I'm pretty sure that Apple adopted it just to be
incompatible. They like to trumpet
OSX's Unix kernel, and the fact that Unix apps port to OSX pretty
easily, but the coding style and
development tools and techniques they encourage seem to be pretty un-Unix.
OTOH, I certainly couldn't write Obj C code, but it doesn't seem to be
too hard to read if you're familiar
with C and C++.
It doesn't really require any c++ familarity, its more like Smalltalk (a
"real" OO language).
Apple do have a history of Objective C, and they use gnu compiler IIRC, so
in theory porting OSX apps or writing linux.osc apps shouldn't be hard.
- Steve