On 08/03/2010, Paul Davis
<paul(a)linuxaudiosystems.com> wrote:
On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Philipp
<hollunder(a)lavabit.com> wrote:
Hi there.
The distro I'm using installs a script with jack that lets it run as a
I know that I personally do not consider this an appropriate way to
run JACK, and I am irritated by distributions that do this. That
doesn't mean I'm right.
It runs as (1) a dummy user or (2) a normal, real user if configured.
It will fail if there is no user defined. If I recall correctly, you
do not consider running jackd as root an appropriate way to run jack.
But if you say you do not condone automatically starting jackd on
bootup or having a daemon for it, then I'm sure this functionality
will be gladly removed.