Steve Harris wrote:
That is a side effect of class B amps IIRC. I would
have though that
preamps would be class A, but maybe not.
they are, afaik. you're right, it's a property of class B.
still my amp's preamp stage shapes the lower half differently
(less) than the top.
i'm still
trying to model the hard-driven valve in the time
domain. the more i look at it, the more i think the 'building of
potentials' i've tried to describe comes near it. though it would
be nice to base it on hard facts about valve amp behaviour, too.
'building of potentials'? Are you refering to your sinc summation idea?
Its a nice idea, especially as you get anitaliasing for free, but I think
it will be hard to turn a hardish clipping shape into a sum of sincs.
no, this is the other idea that would try to model a simple
wave shaper (pushing energies and so on). the sinc idea is
reserved for dire emergency situations, it's not really gentle
on the cpu and tough to get right.
the sine, shaped by the hard-driven amp, looks
a lot like the plots of 'ion conductivity' and 'Aktionspotential'
from human heart analysis.
Woooosh. [that was the sound of that going way over my head ;) ]
if you could see those plots, you'd know exactly what i mean. in
fact they look almost exactly like one half of a sine cycle
after it's been mistreated by a 12ay7 valve at high gain