On 2011-11-24, at 12:45 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 02:21:25PM -0500, David
Robillard wrote:
Agreed. Everything here is about the *view*.
How that maps to actual
parameter values is an underlying model issue.
Not always. Consider the case of 'VCA' groups for faders. That
is: you have a slider that controls the gain of a group of
channels (without those being mixed). The effective channel
gain (in dB) is the sum of the per channel fader value and
the one from the group fader. The model sees only this sum.
This is the mistake. In Model View Controller, your VCA group fader would have an
associated value in the model. The view edits this. The controller calculates the
resultant effective channel gains.
Jeff Koftinoff