Roger Larsson <roger.larsson(a)> writes:
But on those audio workstations you have NO problem to
wrappers suid root.
* The "audio workstation" case can always be handled.
* The problematic case is "common desktop" where users get a much worse
experience than they should - and it might scare people off.
OK, now I see your point. We were working on different problems. I
mostly agree, though I much prefer making audio apps setgid `realtime'
and not setuid `root'.
I have an idea!
rt_monitor is running mlockall and I avoided
* dynamic memory allocation
* system calls
- If I split the function into server and monitor (two threads) it
would be even better.
So rt_monitor itself should never get stuck requesting more memory, nor get
stuck in a system call getting stuck on another process requesting more
Sounds like a good idea.