On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 09:32:34 +0300, Roman Kaljakin wrote:
What I like
about this solution is that it would not only allow to share
modules among the many softsynths, but it could also be used to solve the
GUI/Toolkit problem. Namely one could also express the GUI layout
information in XML. People can then "compile" the XML files and get both
the module's DSP code in the format appropriate for their synth and also
the GUI code for the Toolkit (e.g. QT ot GTK) of their choice.
Yes, I think it would be a logical extension of LADSPA specification.
Yes, it would be useful, but its a lot of work (DTD, toolkit bindings
etc.) and it doesn;t solve the immediate problem of UIs that cannot be
succesfully represented in XML, eg. (my favourite exmaple) a lowpass
filter plugin, which should render the freq. response of the filter.
- Steve