> i would like to know if somebody has already
thought about a (unified)
> way to save or export the settings of ladspa plugins (or vst,lv2..)
I gave it some thought for a project of mine which sleeps the dream of
the just until I get some motivation to finish it.
I would love to see that too. I would say its enough
to agree on the conventions
(format and place in filesystem) and add them as a comment to the ladspa header.
Ah, but that's a big, hairy, controversial "enough", unfortunately.
Some will swear for RDF turtle, some will kill in the name of a xml
dialect and some will argue the merits of no-nonsense ini files.
Then someone will come up with an abstraction layer to rule them all,
and in the darkness bind them.
I guess this will be in a state of flux until a dominant project sways
enough number of users to become widely adopted, probably Ardour, so
brush your shells and learn to dance the turtle.