On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 13:03 +0300, Nedko Arnaudov wrote:
William Weston <weston(a)sysex.net> writes:
This one looks like you may have hit a case where
the engine
thread is waiting on the buffer ready condition to be broadcast from
the jack thread, which never comes because JACK requested a client
shutdown instead of running the process callback. Does this patch
The patch does not help. I beleive the AFAIK the jack_shutdown_handler()
is called only when jackd is being shut down, not during jack client
shutdown. I added printf in the function and it does not show during
phasex shutdown. It appeared however when I tried to stop jackd while
phasex was running (and there were some other strange messagest too):
# phasex
JACK tmpdir identified as [/tmp]
cannot read server event (Success)
cannot complete execution of the processing graph (Resource temporarily unavailable)
zombified - calling shutdown handler
jack_shutdown_handler() called.
the shutdown handler is called if the JACK server exits or zombifies the
client (removes it from the process graph). both of these are
indistinguishable from the client side (unless the client goes poking
around the system in a non-portable and inadvisable way).