On Friday 19 September 2008 13:49:59 Fons Adriaensen wrote:
On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 12:47:12PM -0400, nescivi
yes, I'm here :)
Hi Marije !
SynthDef.synthDefDir = "./synthdefs";
Thanks, but... the synthdefs get loaded, *and* copied
to ~/share... Any way to stop that once and for all ?
You can use the .send method instead... that way you avoid using the harddisk
for them at all...
I mean, the *.sc files are on an NFS disk - not even
on my own machine. And I don't want anything copied
to my $HOME just because I'm running them - I'm not
even creating new synthdefs, just using the ones I
have and there are quite happy where they are.
In that case, I am guessing you are running scsynth on another machine too...
then SynthDef.send is recommended in any case.