Alfons Adriaensen wrote:
You obviously need access to the channelmask when
reading or creating
multichannel files.
As to the GUID, there are e.g. special GUIDs for Ambisonics files,
see <>.
BTW I don't understand the relation between the definition of
the GUIDs on that page
SUBTYPE_AMBISONIC_B_FORMAT_PCM {00000001-0721-11d3-8644-C8C1CA000000}
SUBTYPE_AMBISONIC_B_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT {00000003-0721-11d3-8644-C8C1CA000000}
and the example representation of the first one further down:
{0x00000001,0x0000,0x0010, {0x80,0x00, 0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x38, 0x9b, 0x71}}
Does it make sense to you ?
Sorry, no it doesn't. Thats why I suggested joining the libsndfile-devel
I didn't implement the WAVEX stuff. The guy who did is on the libsndfile-devel
list but not on this one.
Erik de Castro Lopo
"I invented the term Object-Oriented, and I can tell you I
did not have C++ in mind." -- Alan Kay