The label "Frank Barknecht" hathe been affixed to this message,
Daniel Risacher hat gesagt: // Daniel Risacher wrote:
Suppose one were to write a kernel module that implemented the OSS
API, but had non-blocking semantics, and instead of driving a sound
card, the module encapsulated the OSS API calls somehow and passed
them back to a user-space audio server.
Now that I've articulated the idea, would anyone care to take over the
Isn't this already done and described here:
Maybe something like a meta-driver that you could call from anything... a sort
of layer between the actual hardware setup and the rest of the system so that
application developers could simply reference the one consistent object without
dealing with any other issues.
Or will Dmix do that?
See these tears so blue. An ageless heart that can never mend.
Tears can never dry. A judgement made can never bend.
And I've been putting out fire with gasoline...