Paul: (2) above may make you nervous, but look at it this way. You have
said in the past that every Mac OS X application is capable of
interchanging audio data out of the box, thanks to CoreAudio. The flip
side of that coin is that CoreAudio was written to be usable by every
application ever written for Mac OS X. Yes, JACK is designed for
serious audio work (as is CoreAudio) but that's no reason why it can't
be appropriate for other situations also.
Just a comment on the MacOSX side. CoreAudio allows audio applications to
*share* audio drivers but does not yet provide audio inter-applications
exchange. Apple is interested by the concept,…
but it seems that nothing is ready yet.
I'am working on a Jack port for MacOSX.
Stephane Letz
Grame: Centre National de creation musicale
9, Rue du Garet
69001 Lyon
Tel: 04-72-07-37-00
Fax: 04-72-07-37-01