On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 09:43:45PM +0200, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
Try Gramofile [1] or Gnome Wave Cleaner [2].
Both seem to be quite old and it's not clear at all if they
are still being developed or maintained.
Results will very a lot
depending on the source material. There is a noise removal plugin of
Audacity, but IMHO it's not great, but let your ears judge.
It's not clear at all from the original post what kind of 'noise'
has to be removed. If it is _noise_ (a continuous broadband random
signal), then frequency domain methods should be able to reduce it.
If it is _crackle_ (short spikes) then time domain methods will have
a better chance. Also the remark that the problem only occurs 'while
the music is playing' adds a bit to the puzzle...
It would help to know the origin of the the 'noise' or to have a
sample of it.