On Tuesday 04 May 2004 12.41, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Francois Dechelle hat gesagt: // Francois Dechelle wrote:
Yep, I agree. What annoyes me in Pall
Thayer's work
http://www.this.is/pallit/) that you mentionned in your previous mail
is the fact that it relies on proprietary technologies (Java or Flash),
which means that GNU/Linux users who do not want to use proprietary
software will be excluded from it.
And mp3-streaming... ;) Plus Flash is so slow on Linux. Do you happen
to have some pointers at hand at how to make good use of SVG for Web
based installations?
Another interesting thing is the Blender game engine. In the latest Blender
release the game engine was re-enabled (it was disabled since it relied on
proprietary libraries, since then they where aparently opened up).
It was a long time since I looked at this, but I remember there was a browser
plugin for it. I don't know if the plugin has reemerged yet, I guess it will
though. In any case, it seemed possible to do quite remarkable things with