On 09/12/2010 02:05 PM, Loki Davison wrote:
Thorsten's design is as always fantastic. :)
Agreed, it's a a shame his new knob designs at
http://thorwil.wordpress.com/?s=knobs were never implemented. I think they're
very cool and somehow remind me of Live knobs.
I'd think about doing more on phat but ardour is
basically the only
application i'm using now. If anyone wants to contribute patches or
anything i'll be happy to merge/release etc.
If Thorsten is ok, I think you should commit the Blender sources just mentioned.
Having only the knob pixmaps is everything but flexible.
That said I have started to work on a PhatWheel widget, inspired by this thread
and Thorsten's designs.
I don't have much time, but chances are that I'll make it work and add several
options for both rendering and behavior customization.