On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 04:12:22PM +0200, Florian Faber wrote:
If it's a proper UPS it should keep a log of the
voltage and any
abnormal events.
It probably does, but I'm not supposed to tinker with it;
it's in the hands of the city's technical department.
I've repeatedly asked for complete drawings of the
electricy wiring in the CdS, and I'm beginning to
suspect they don't even exist. Fact is that many parts
of the power switchboard are labeled wrongly, as are
the remotely controlled functions. And I have no idea
which parts of the audio installation are or are not
on the UPS - nobody seems to know.
As to the racks, I've inreased the spacing between units
where I could, and blower panels will be ordered. But the
main source of heat remains a block of 12 Aphex 141 DA's.
Moving them apart would require to redo the complete
internal wiring of the racks.
Je veux que la mort me trouve plantant mes choux, mais
nonchalant d’elle, et encore plus de mon jardin imparfait.
(Michel de Montaigne)