Guillaume Pellerin <yomguy(a)>rg>:
Hi all !
I have installed a RME DIGI9652 on a Debian Sarge and it
seems to work great with Ardour ! However my two expansion
boards AEB8-I [1] and AEB8-O [2] plugged respectively on
the "CD IN" input and "ADAT 1" output of the main board -
"CD IN" should be connected to the output of a cd drive.
as it is mentionned in the documentation - don't
get any
signal, even when I change existing interrupts in kmix,
gamix, etc.. I would then ask to anybody who knows the
chipset/driver if there are special routing interrupts to
be switched with alsactl or something...
Maybe it's the clocking, you want to connect the AEB's to the
DIGI9652's word clock connectors and master clock from there.
I think.
There is no such thing as "changing interrupts" in kmix and
the like.