On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 05:48:15 -0600, martin rumori wrote
On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 11:31:01AM +0100, Steve Harris
On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 10:03:18 +0100, Dave
Griffiths wrote:
so if I'm writing a osc sequencer, is the
best plan to leave the
mapping open for the user to modify?
I would say so yes, its possible that an OSC schema spe will be
standardised at soem point that would make it easier.
not to mention the microtone-capabilities of your osc sequencer and
the sophisticated envelope control functions, which are hard to cover
with pure midi... :-))
thats what I'm after :)
for anyone thats interested, I'm implementing a sequencer based on a text
score language I've developed for algorithmic melody generation and live
it sounds a bit strange maybe, but I managed to perform a prototype version of
this live a couple of months ago, and it seems to work well.