On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 07:46:58PM -0400, Ivica Bukvic wrote:
SynthDef("onetwoonetwo",{ arg out=0, freq;
w = SCUMWindow.new;
w.title = "Slider example";
w.initialSize = Size(20, 300);
c = SCUMVBox( w );
v = SCUMSlider(c, { |v|
v.expand = 1;
v.fill = 1;
v.bgColor = Color.white;
v.fgColor = Color.black;
v.action = {
freq = v.value * 100;
SinOsc.ar(freq + 400, 0, 0.5)
What I am simply trying to do is to affect the frequency of the sinetone by
moving the slider, yet nothing changes when I move the slider.
you're mixing up the server and language contexts. when you
write a synthdef, the code is not executed on the server but
merely used to build a graph of unit generators and compile
it into a binary representation. by assigning `freq' in the
view's action, you set the value at the time the synthdef is
you'll have to split up the code:
s = Server.local.boot;
SynthDef(\testfest, { arg out=0, freq=440;
Out.ar(out, SinOsc.ar(freq, mul: 0.5))
z = Synth(\testfest);
w = SCUMWindow.new;
w.title = "Slider example";
w.initialSize = Size(20, 300);
c = SCUMVBox(w);
v = SCUMSlider(c, { |v|
v.expand = 1;
v.fill = 1;
v.bgColor = Color.white;
v.fgColor = Color.black;
v.action = { z.set(\freq, v.value * 100 + 400) }