On Tuesday 13 April 2004 09:40, Alex Marandon wrote:
On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 12:54:32AM +0200, Peter
Eschler wrote:
paramtooltip.h: In member function `void ParamToolTip::updateTip()':
paramtooltip.h:25: error: no match for 'operator=' in 't =
paramtooltip.h:35: error: no match for
'operator=' in 't =
I just searched the qstring headerfile and the reason for this seems to
be Qt compiled without STL support (compiler flag QT_NO_STL).
Gosh. I installed the qt slackware package available at
Hmm, forget what i told about the compiler flag, It's not in the compiler
output you pasted, so it can't be the reason.
This does
*not* mean you need to recompile Qt ;-)
Cool ;)
Just replace
lines 25 and
t = _param->name() + ": " + _param->toString();
t = _param->name() + ": " + _param->toString().c_str();
This should do the trick.
I try the trick, but it doesn't fix the problem here :
If you don't mind heres's another trick ;-)
Hopefully this time it will do what it's meant for...
Replace the two lines (25 and 35) in paramtooltip.h with:
t = (_param->name() + ": " + _param->toString()).c_str();
Just to find the reason for this, could you please tell me the version of your
gcc compiler?
"Without music, life would _O_/ \_O_/ +----------------------+
be a mistake - I would / )) [] | Peter Eschler |
only believe in a god who \\ // | peschler(a)t-online.de |
knew how to dance." (Nietzsche) // \\ +----------------------+