On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 12:29:58PM -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
the ALSA sequencer already provides 90% of the infrastructure
described. all that is needed is something to read from the game
controller and queue immediate MIDI events ...
I would like something which accepts plugins for different
controller types (serial-port controller kits are widely available,
GDAM supports rangefinders on parallel port which allows filter
cutoffs to be adjusted moving hands through the air, GDAM supports
a ps2 keyboard on the mouse port for a very cheap 120-key
trigger/toggle solution) and plugins for different outputs (OSC
would avoid having to cram everything through MIDI) and hopefully
the ability to split data to a socket so controllers can be used
by more than one piece of software. Controllers are an important
aspect of computer music, and i think this is another area
where peoples' efforts are not reused or shared (guilty myself)