On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 04:44:39 +0100, David Olofson wrote:
I'm still not sure I understand the terminology
here... Considering
some recent posts, I assume that the following applies:
Yes, more or less. I was using instrument as in VSTi instrument, ie an
instance of a thing instantiated from a .so file. The word plugin is far
too overloaded.
The intention is that these things would (on the whole) be sound
generators, right? To me plugin implies inline processing.
As to the "gets a voice ID" thing, no, I
think this is a bad idea.
The host should *pick* a voice ID from a previously allocated pool of
Virtual Voice IDs. That way, you eliminate the host-plugin or
plugin-plugin (this is where it starts getting interesting)
roundtrip, which means you can, amond other things:
Good idea.
- Steve