Excerpts from Adrian Knoth's message of 2010-04-18 11:25:57 +0200:
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 11:09:53AM +0200, Philipp
I don't really know, nor care, about debian
specific packaging stuff.
What I know is that it has a record of being broken.
Stop that FUD. Ok, a lot was broken until last year, but I fixed
everything and worked closely together with upstreams.
If you have something that needs improvement, simply tell me.
In general, calling the pro-audio stack in Debian to be broken is barely
justifiable. Hint: Torben uses Debian unstable.
I know.
Of course, I cannot be held responsible for our
spin-offs like Ubuntu in
all its incarnations (studio, xubuntu, kubuntu, whatever).
When I refer to debian I usually mean those spinoffs as well.
Here's an
article where some of the technicalities are discussed in the
Old stuff. Check the expiry date of your truths. Reality changes over
It's not expired as long as lots of people use the broken versions. Good
if you managed to fix it.
What was the topic again?