Meterbridge has a goniometer (though I never knew thats
what they were
called :), aka "Jellyfish" Meter.
Thanks for the link
If youre confortable with DSP code and not UI code I
would recommend some
other project, the UI part of meters is much harder than the DSP code
I know; that's exactly why I'd like to code this kind of stuff, to improve
my skills in writing GUI code ;)
Linux is lacking efficient, high-quality standalone EQs
for example.
What do you mean by standalone ? Something like a jack client ? Or totally
independant (portaudio client, etc...) What would
be the differences compare to a LADSPA plug-in for example ?
(advantages, disadvantages)
Please excuse my ignorance if the above question is nonsense; I am still
not confortable with the different 'protocols/API/format' under unix and
- Steve