On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 08:37:22AM -0500, Fred Gleason wrote:
Similarly, it seems that virtually no
'recording' style board sports a cue
buss, while the very thought of trying to run a radio operation without such
a buss is enough to induce anxiety in this old 'master control' operator.
These are all special features for the broadcasting folks -- available, but
unfortunately you usually end up paying a premium for them.
Broadcast consoles have some special features that you would't
find on typical music consoles. For broadcast, you will want
to be able to listen to something before it goes on air (pfl),
while for recording a post-fader solo is much more useful.
Another feature you will not find on standard mixers is an
N-1 feed (main mix minus one channel), for example to send
back over a telephone line, or to a outside broadcast location.
On a digital desk all of this *should* just be a matter of
configuration. But of course, manufacturers make you pay just
for a code that enables the second half of a 1GB memory that
was there from the start (Agilent, signal generator).