hi... this is my first time online since lad Conference.
so i would like to announce galan-0.2.14 (as seen on lad Conference)
galan is another modular synthesizer. It supports sub patches like pd
and jmax. But has separation of mesh and Controls.
It also supports OpenGL Scene Graphs which can be controlled by your
audio data, the sequencers etc...
homepage is at
find the download links from there...
torben Hohn
http://galan.sourceforge.net -- The graphical Audio language
This is a brief rundown of the results from the advertising campaign I
launched last October.
I have paused it for now but will resume it again in 6 months time for
the Xmas season.
I placed four adgroups, with a total of 2390 clicks, 222573 page
impressions, costing $450.24 over 6 months.
Full Summary below:
Report for Oct 20, 2002 to Mar 26, 2003
Campaign Summary
All Campaigns Clicks Impr. CTR Avg. CPC (USD) Cost (USD) Avg. Pos
Campaign #1 991 106549 0.9% $0.26 $255.95 2.9
Campaign #2 462 80096 0.5% $0.12 $54.18 1.3
Campaign #3 930 33583 2.7% $0.15 $139.33 1.2
Campaign #4 7 2345 0.2% $0.11 $0.78 1.5
Overall 2390 222573 1.0% $0.19 $450.24 2.1
*Reporting is not real-time. Clicks and impressions received in the last
12 hours may not be included here.
Campaign #1 - USD $1.50 daily budget limit View/Edit
Ad Groups Clicks Impr. CTR Avg. CPC (USD) Max. CPC (USD) Cost (USD) Avg. Pos
music recording - Paused 991 106549 0.9% $0.26 $0.50 $255.95 2.9
Overall 991 106549 0.9% $0.26 - $255.95 2.9
Campaign #2 - USD $1.00 daily budget limit View/Edit
Ad Groups Clicks Impr. CTR Avg. CPC (USD) Max. CPC (USD) Cost (USD) Avg. Pos
linux sound - Paused 462 80096 0.5% $0.12 $0.50 $54.18 1.3
Overall 462 80096 0.5% $0.12 - $54.18 1.3
Campaign #3 - USD $1.00 daily budget limit View/Edit
Ad Groups Clicks Impr. CTR Avg. CPC (USD) Max. CPC (USD) Cost (USD) Avg. Pos
Linux music - Paused 930 33583 2.7% $0.15 $0.50 $139.33 1.2
Overall 930 33583 2.7% $0.15 - $139.33 1.2
Campaign #4 - USD $1.00 daily budget limit View/Edit
Ad Groups Clicks Impr. CTR Avg. CPC (USD) Max. CPC (USD) Cost (USD) Avg. Pos
sound - Paused 7 2345 0.2% $0.11 $0.50 $0.78 1.5
Overall 7 2345 0.2% $0.11 - $0.78 1.5
Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
Http://www.boosthardware.comHttp://www.djcj.org - The Linux Audio Users guide
Being on stage with the band in front of crowds shouting, "Get off! No!
We want normal music!", I think that was more like acting than anything
I've ever done.
Goldie, 8 Nov, 2002
The Scotsman
I fear we've all been very busy. I know I have. I have not had time to
devote to XAP, though I have certainly not lost interest.
So today I start looking at my evolving spec doc again. The biggest chunk
of undecidedness lies in the area of Channels. We never really resolved the
Bays/Channels etc debate. We just put it off. Here it is.
I'd like to propose the following - it is simple and flexible. Not too
Plugins define 'Modules'. Every plugin has a master Module, and 0-n extra
Modules. The host can instantiate Modules as needed. A Module is analogous
to a MIDI Channel in a synth (maybe Module is the wrong word). It is
analogous to a slot in a mixer.
struct XAP_descriptor {
/* master module descriptor */
XAP_module master;
/* other channel descriptors */
int n_modules;
XAP_module *modules;
* Instantiate a module, return a plugin-unique
* id/index for it - it's 'Channel'.
int (*add_module)(void *plugin, int module);
* Remove a module.
int (*del_module)(void *plugin, int index);
struct XAP_module {
char *label;
char *name;
uint32_t flags;
/* how many instances of this module are allowed? */
int count_max;
/* per-module controls and I/O */
int n_controls;
XAP_control **controls;
int n_ports;
XAP_port **ports;
Hi everyone,
There are 2 MIDI System Common opcodes (0xF4 and 0xF5) and 2 MIDI
System Realtime opcodes (0xF9 and 0xFD) that the official MIDI
standard reserves for future use.
I'm currently collecting examples of non-standard uses of these
opcodes in hardware and software (on MIDI 1.0 DIN cables and in other
hardware and software contexts). Examples I've collected so far are:
-- 0xF9 as "MIDI Tick"
-- 0xF5 for both "MIDI endpoint" and "virtual cable" selection
I'm doing this as part of the process of finishing:
It uses the semantics of the commands as part of its resiliency
scheme, and so knowledge of non-standard uses of the reserved commands
is needed to help craft resiliency logic for the opcodes. Probably
best to send the info directly to lazzaro(a)cs.berkeley.edu, the topic
is too mundane for the list ... thanks in advance!
John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu www.cs.berkeley.edu/~lazzaro
Hi all,
I would like to announce creox 0.2.0
- the realtime sound processor for KDE
As Creox is a JACK application, the output sound can be routed to the
other JACK-aware applications, and the audio input can be taken as the
output from the other JACK client.
jozef kosoru
Hi LADs,
here is a problem that maybe very common with many rt audio apps, so
hopefully there is a "standard" solution for it?
assume jack process callback reads audio data from a buffer, while
another thread might alter the
contents of this buffer. In my particular scenario, i will actualy use
doublebuffering. So the only operation that needs to be "mutexed"
is the actual swapping of front and back buffers (well, pointers, of
course, not the contents)
Now my problem is: How can i make sure that swapping does not accure
during process (playback) callback?
I could use a mutex, but this might also block the playback thread. (if
swapping is in process when the jack callback is invoked)
On the other hand, swapping pointers shouldn't take that long, so maybe
this would not be a problem?
Or would it make sense to try and "foresee" such a situation and avoid
it by delaying the swapping?
Any clever suggestions on this?
Just a headsup for all the people who link against it. Hopefully they've
normailised the build system now...
Looks pretty good, now includes SIMD optimisations.
- Steve
Eger kemoterapi yada radyoterapinin yan etkileri ile bogusan bir yakininiz varsa, �z�lmeyin ancak bitkisel kanser ilaci Carctol'u yakindan tanimak i�in zaman ayirarak asagidaki link'e tiklayin.
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Hello, if you have got an acquaintance or a friend who is suffering from the side effects of chemotherapy, please visit the site below to see the truths about alternative herb cancer medicine Carctol.
If you wish to be removed from our list, please send us an email at this address bilgi(a)kanser-tedavisi.com so that we may remove your name. Thank you.
Hi all, the 0.7.6 version of Hydrogen Gnu/Linux drum machine is available at
* Graphical user interface based on QT 3,
* Sample based audio engine,
* Oss Audio driver,
* Jack Audio driver,
* Export to disk audio driver,
* Alsa Midi input,
* Ability to import/export xml-based song file,
* 64 ticks per pattern,
* 16 voices with volume, mute, solo, pan capabilities,
* Import of samples in wave, au, aiff format.
* Humanize and swing functions
* Bug fix in note velocity editor
* Improved pattern editor
* Humanize function
* Swing function
* New child frame interface
* Stereo peak visualization in mixer
* New song editor
Happy drumming! ;)
Alessandro <Comix> Cominu
e-mail: comix(a)despammed.com
Icq: 116354077
Linux User # 203765
[...Codito Ergo Sum...]