It appears to be some kind of latency optimisation for busses, but I can;t
really work out what it does. Theres a whitepaper about it here:
The claim is that it can reduce system latency by proritising certain
streams. I think. If you could express these priorities to the kernel it
might be of some use.
Anyone know more about it?
- Steve
I found it hilarious that the writer found that Linux is not viable
because none of the *big names* in audio software support it.
Doesn't matter about the companies that actually make the machines
though. Nooooooo sirrreee. It's the software manufacturers who we should
all be sucking up to.
However he is, he is definitely uber cool.
Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
Http://www.boosthardware.comHttp:// - The Linux Audio Users guide
Being on stage with the band in front of crowds shouting, "Get off! No!
We want normal music!", I think that was more like acting than anything
I've ever done.
Goldie, 8 Nov, 2002
The Scotsman
How about having all apps implement Open Sound Control (some of them already have, such as pd, csound etc.)?
Then you could control them all from one source (i.e. RTMix). Then, suddenly there would be no redundancy ;-)...
> From: Lukas Degener <AFBLukas(a)>
> Date: 2003/03/18 Tue AM 08:54:55 EST
> To: linux-audio-dev(a)
> Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Modular synths of the world, unite and take over :-)
> Roman Kaljakin wrote:
> >I am pleased to announce Octavian - a realtime software synthesizer for GNU\Linux
> >operating system.
> > Octavians's design is like analog modular synthesizers,(...)
> >
> Well, here we have another modular synth framework. :-)
> Hi Roman, i realy like parts of your ui design. just looked at the
> screenshots so far, but i think i will try octavian soon.
> I would have reacted earlier to your announce, but i was somewhat busy
> and didn't follow lad traffic very regulary.
> Sseems we have a little problem.
> Ok, maybe problem is not exactly the right term, let's put it this way:
> Right now, there is beast, there is gAlan, there is ams, and of course
> there is also pd, jmax, etc. and lately Octavian, and, rats, there maybe
> a zillion of other apps out there that i do not yet know of (authors of
> such apps, please append your project to my list:-) )
> While each of this projects may have unique approaches to certain
> problems, or use different metaphors for similar things, i guess it is a
> valid assumption, that they all have _very_ similar goals in terms of
> functionality. At least that was my impression after talking with Stefan
> (beast) and Torben (gAlan).
> The Big Question(tm):
> How can we avoid redundant work?
> My (somewhat utopious) suggestion:
> maybe we should think in components that use/modify a common
> datastructure/model.
> This has almost (but not completly) nothing to do with merging ;-)
> It means that we have to agree on what exactly that common model would
> be, and after that, we would go on writing
> different components that actualy work with this model. The problem of
> course would be to define that model.
> But once we have managed this, it should be possible to have different
> components cooperate on the same instance of that model at the same
> time, without knowing about each other, i.e. all "inter-component"
> communication would be established via the model. I tend to think of
> this as a "Macro Model/View/Controller" pattern. (i have forgotten the
> actual term, something like "Document Oriented Design" i think.)
> So this goes out to Matthias, Torben, Stefan, Roman, and of course
> everyone else interested in such a thing:
> What do you think?
> Regards,
> Lukas
Hello linux-audio-dev-request(a)
I have received your e-mail regarding 'linux-audio-dev digest, Vol 1 #402 - 13 msgs' I will be out of the office until the 24th of March. Please refer any queries that require immediate attention to Phil Carroll @ philc(a)
Richard Caldwell
> with all due respect, you are talking about somewhere between 1-5000
> lines of code that would take someone experienced about 3 days to get
> to 60% functionality. once it reaches that point, ALSA will happily
> take it on, and you get CVS and the ALSA mailing lists to use.
Fair enough, I don't know enough about linux module coding. If we can get a
60% functional version in less than a week, I'd be dead chuffed! ;)
We're effectively talking about a driver for the Motorola DSP onboard (I can't
remember what the no is.) We first need to get it to C code- isn't that what
the CPP used to do?
Sorry, it's been a while. 8-)
Hi there,
Waldorf from Germany has made an analog VCF which
could be connected via USB to a computer system:
Joachim Backhaus
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Webb []
> Sent: Mittwoch, 19. März 2003 14:52
> To: linux-audio-dev(a)
> Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Interface with real modules
> > However you can still have a lot of fun e.g. having
> > FM or Ringmod between
> > software and true analogue VCOs. It would also be a
> > very good idea to
> > combine a true analogue VCF with a digital synth as
> > it's the filter that
> > is the weakest point of digital synthesis. It is
> > then however difficult to
> > implement proper VCF tracking. This could only be
> > done by using a true
> > analogue MIDI to CV converter, let this control the
> > VCF tracking and send
> > the same notes to the softsynth and the true
> > analogue MCV connected to the
> > VCF.
> yeah, the main thing I was thinking of was using an
> analogue filter.. The medical company I work for has
> this real hightech voltmeter (high res and
> everything). I can probably get that to work
> perfectly with any modules. The only problem is it's
> freaky expensive. Too bad a standard soundcard won't
> work quite right.
> __________________________________________________
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Hello linux-audio-dev-request(a)
I have received your e-mail regarding 'linux-audio-dev digest, Vol 1 #405 - 13 msgs' I will be out of the office until the 24th of March. Please refer any queries that require immediate attention to Phil Carroll @ philc(a)
Richard Caldwell
Hello linux-audio-dev-request(a)
I have received your e-mail regarding 'linux-audio-dev digest, Vol 1 #403 - 17 msgs' I will be out of the office until the 24th of March. Please refer any queries that require immediate attention to Phil Carroll @ philc(a)
Richard Caldwell
1. A short summary of changes
A new native Python implementation of the ECI API has been added to
the package. Ecasound.el (ecasound-emacs) has been updated to version
0.8.2. Oggs and mp3s can be now streamed directly from network.
Author information is now visible in the LADSPA plugin descriptions.
Changes in ALSA-0.9 support improve usability of ecasound with
the new ALSA dmix PCM plugin. There have been many important
bugfixes including correct handling of short parameter fades,
broken chainsetup level looping, problems with creating temporary
files and minor build system issues.
2. What is ecasound?
Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio
processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback,
recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect
processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. Ecasound supports
a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms.
Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their
parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators
and MIDI-CCs. A versatile console mode user-interface is included
in the package.
Ecasound is licensed under the GPL. The Ecasound Control Interface
(ECI) is licensed under the LGPL.
3. Changes since last release
Full list of changes is available at
4. Interface and configuration file changes
5. Contributors
Janne Halttunen (the new Python ECI implementation)
Mario Lang (ecasound.el 0.8.2)
Junichi Uekawa ( build)
Kai Vehmanen (various)
Bug Hunting (items closed)
William Goldsmith (2)
Michael Hellwig (1)
Janno Liivak (1)
Raoul Megelas (1)
Feature requests (items implemented)
Oliver Thuns (1)
6. Links and files
Web sites:
Source packages:
Distributions with maintained ecasound support:
Agnula -
Debian -
DeMuDi -
FreeBSD -
Gentoo Linux -
PLD Linux -
PlanetCCRMA -
SuSE Linux -
Contrib Packages for Distributions:
Mandrake -
Note! Distributors do not necessarily provide packages for
the very latest ecasound version.
Audio software for Linux!