Updated README with tip for better performance.
Removed fltk example client from package. This should fix any problems
with building the fltk client.
Taybin Rutkin
after all that getting everyone worked up about it, it doesn't work for
me. It doesn't support Red Hat 8.0. After a huge amount of hacking I got
it to run and compile, but it won't link anything.
Delphi runs fine, but Pascal sucks, and I am not using it.
So I will go with the Linux spirit and work with Qt/Designer. It looks
really smartly done and I'm sure I can get the hang of it in a while.
I know that GNOME started because Qt used to have a proprietary license
right? I don't really care which desktop (Red Hat all looks the same
anyways) I use but GTK was the most awkward GUI toolkit I ever used.
FLTK is really pretty good and I hope 2.0 will address some issues with
it (like more tutorials on doing graphics/drawing with it).
Oh well! Adios kylix.
>I've looked, but can't find anything about ladspaxmlgui.dtd ... can
> someone give me a URL or something which points to this DTD?
I got this from http://www.ladspa.org at the bottom of the page.
Or directly try: http://www.ladspa.org/ladspaxmlgui.dtd
"Without music, life would _O_/ \_O_/ +----------------------+
be a mistake - I would / )) [] | Peter Eschler |
only believe in a god who \\ // | peschler(a)t-online.de |
knew how to dance." (Nietzsche) // \\ +----------------------+
i'm new to this list but tried to catch up by reading the archives. I'm
currently playing around with a gui-backend based on Qt which uses the
proposed ladspaxmlgui.dtd.
If have some questions concerning the controller element.
<!ELEMENT controller (graphics-context?)>
<!ATTLIST controller
label-position (top | bottom | left | right | upper-left | upper-right |
lower-left | lower-right) "top"
type (knob | hslider | vslider | spinner | image) "knob"
image-regexp CDATA #IMPLIED
First, what is the label intended to contain ?
- the port name
- user definable text
- the port value
Second, imagine a normal slider or knob in an everyday plugin. Surely it is
fine to use the slider/knob to go wild changing the value interactively. But
what if i want to specify a value precisely . Fiddling around with my mouse
until i managed to set the desired value ? What if, even worse, the gui
doesn't snap to my value according to pixel inaccuracy.
IMHO the solution to this problem is a numeric input for LADSPA_Data values,
that could be placed above/below/... the slider to display and edit the
value. In fact the input could be placed everywhere in the gui, theres no
actual connection between them apart from the numeric input being attached to
the same port as the slider is. Is this possible (dont see why it shouldn't)
The numeric input might be usable not only in combination with a slider, but
also as a standalone controller.
Thus i propose an additional control element of type "numinput".
One problem arising from the slider example (and not when used standalone) is
If used in the way described above (slider + numinput below) we have a label
for both controls. What to do with these two ? According to the documentation
in the dtd, the label "should always be supplied for user-convenience". The
solution in this case might be to add the attribute "none" to the
label-position attribute list. According to the comments in the dtd this is
one of the rare situation one of the labels is optional.
To put this altogether my controller element section would look like this:
<!ELEMENT controller (graphics-context?)>
<!ATTLIST controller
label-position (none | top | bottom | left | right | upper-left | upper-right
| lower-left | lower-right) "top"
type (knob | hslider | vslider | spinner | image | numinput ) "knob"
image-regexp CDATA #IMPLIED
There might arise questions about display precision for float values, but i
would leave this up to the gui element itself. In my Qt implementation i
adopt the number of decimal places according to the value displayed. The
larger the absolute value the lesser decimal places ( e.g.: 1.214, -10.23,
935.3, 16003 );
Comments are welcome.
"Without music, life would _O_/ \_O_/ +----------------------+
be a mistake - I would / )) [] | Peter Eschler |
only believe in a god who \\ // | peschler(a)t-online.de |
knew how to dance." (Nietzsche) // \\ +----------------------+
I've found a large number of references to MVC with google and citeseer,
but I wonder if someone could point out the classic or canonical papers on
this system? It would save a lot of reading about smalltalk.
Dave Arney
for anyone in Sydney, Australia, we're starting up a monthly Linux Audio
and music SIG, with the first meeting this saturday ... this is a special
interest group of the Sydney Linux Users Group, hosted by the Department
of Contemporary Music Studies at Macquarie University. It's being
organised by Denis Crowdy of that department. I'll demo some JACK stuff
because it rocks, and we can all make some noise. Erik of Secret Rabbit
Code (libsamplerate, oh and libsndfile) will be there, as will Steve K of
the Debian ALSA Psychos. It's free, bring your gear, hubs, speakers, mics
and headphones, and let's crank it up cos there's no neighbours for a mile
around :)
details at http://www.slug.org.au/, announcement copied below!
----- Forwarded message from Denis Crowdy <dcrowdy(a)pip.hmn.mq.edu.au> -----
From: Denis Crowdy <dcrowdy(a)pip.hmn.mq.edu.au>
To: announce(a)slug.org.au
Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 18:45:07 +1000
Subject: [SLUG-ANNOUNCE] Music/ Audio group meeting
First Meeting of SLAG (Slug Linux Audio/ music Group)
(or the more rhythmic SLUGAMuSIG - best said in three I reckon).
When: Saturday, May 17; 10am onwards
Where: Macquarie University, Department of Contemporary Music Studies,
building W6A, room 607
As discussed briefly at the last SLUG monthly meeting, a place and time
has been organised for people interested in music and audio with Linux.
The plan:
10am - Arrive and set up machines for those bringing computers in.
Coffee, getting organised.
11am - Conrad Parker will present a demonstration of Jack
(http://jackit.sourceforge.net/) - an audio connection kit, and
associated apps.
Lunch (bring with you, or bring money...); options include The Ranch
(pub) and Macquarie Centre.
After lunch - general discussion, assistance with installation (ALSA,
for example), audio and the 2.5 kernel, demos, playing, making music and
so on.
A relevant map of Macquarie is at
http://www.ccms.mq.edu.au/crowdy/macmap.html. The best way to get to
the Music Department (on the 6th floor of building W6A) is from the
Balaclava Rd entrance (opposite Woolies from Epping Rd). The closest
parking is "W4", and costs $6.00 for the day.
For people arriving at various times through the day, the front door
might be locked, but we'll keep an eye out, or call me on 0408 478 802.
Denis Crowdy
Department of Contemporary Music Studies
Macquarie University
NSW 2109 Australia, ph: +61 (0)2 9850 6787, fax: 9850 6593
SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Announcements List - http://slug.org.au
More info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/announce
----- End forwarded message -----
What does the Open source community think of Kylix? I am thinking of
using it for my projects. I have experience with Borland C++ Builder and
I would be able to do much better looking work with it.
So far I think the GUI kits on Linux are a bit primitive compared to
what I was using on Windows.
I could do cool stuff with Kylix very easily. I think Borland C++
Builder was the best development tool ever made for Rapid development
work. And since I am a Rapid kind of guy it suited my way of doing
things perfectly. FLTK and GTK are not rapid tools, sorry, they just
aren't, they are very clumsy for doing rapid prototyping with (but FLTK
is better than GTK at this).
The only downside is people would need Kylix to compile my programs.
It's a huge download and not everyone has cable modems.
I am most likely going to take the plunge and head to it. I think Kylix
is the best thing to come to Linux yet. I just don't see anyone using it
right now. I am not sure why. I have got it and I am going to set it up
and see what goes on. It said the open version can be used to make GPL
programs with it.
Sorry. I thought the fltk-config patch was from you.
-------Original Message-------
From: Jack O'Quin <joq(a)io.com>
Sent: 05/10/03 06:38 PM
To: Taybin <taybin(a)earthlink.net>
Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: [Jackit-devel] Re: [linux-audio-user] JACK 0.71.1 released
> Taybin <taybin(a)earthlink.net> writes:
> Grr. Looks like the fltk patch doesn't work as well as it should.
> Jack?
Yep. It's broken for me, too (see earlier post).
Jack O'Quin
Austin, Texas, USA
JACK 0.71.1
JACK is a low-latency audio server, written primarily for the GNU/Linux
operating system. It can connect a number of different applications to
an audio device, as well as allowing them to share audio between
themselves. Its clients can run in their own processes (ie. as normal
applications), or can they can run within the JACK server (ie. as a
JACK is different from other audio server efforts in that it has been
designed from the ground up to be suitable for professional audio work.
This means that it focuses on two key areas: synchronous execution of
all clients, and low latency operation.
* fltk macros/detection from bob ham
* tmpdir configure-time patch from jesse chappell
* socket error handling change (with additional graph sort!)
from stephane letz
* xrun init patch from gunter geiger
Taybin Rutkin
Here's some exciting news... Csound is now Open Source!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 02:42:51 -0400
From: "Dr. Richard Boulanger" <csound(a)attbi.com>
To: "Dr. Richard Boulanger" <rboulanger(a)berklee.edu>
Subject: The New Csound LGPL License - At Last Free...
Dear Students, Colleagues, Friends,
On May 1, 2003 - the Licensing Office of MIT authorized me to notify
that they and Barry Vercoe had decided to change the Csound License and
make it "Open Source under the GNU-LGPL." Below is a note that Barry
Vercoe asked me to forward you regarding this incredibly wonderful
decision. After his note, I have included the email message that I
to the Csound List accounting the details of the meetings and emails
that led to this event. Lastly, I have included the LGPL and FDL
licenses so that any and all of you who use Csound and make music with
Csound can now understand and appreciate all of your new freedoms!
Dear all
Each time I have developed a major system for Musical Sound Synthesis I
have tried to make the sources freely available to the musical
community. With MUSIC 360 in 1968 that meant running to the Post Office
every day to mail off a bulky 300 ft reel of 9-track digital tape, but
really did enjoy the many hundreds of pieces this caused during the
60's and 70's. With my MUSIC -11 for the ubiquitous and less costly
PDP-11, I chose to pass the maintenance and distribution task off to a
third party. This was easier on me, and led to even more pieces in the
community during the late 70's and early 80's.
At the time I wrote Csound in 1985 the net had now made it possible for
would-be users to simply copy the sources from my MIT site, so I put my
time into writing a Makefile that would compile those sources along
the sound analysis programs and the Scot and Cscore utilities. And
though this was initially Unix, I worked with others to port it to
machines as well. After I was awarded an NSF grant in 1986, it became
necessary to add a copyright and permission paragraph to the sources
the accompanying Manual. The spirit of my contribution however
unchanged, that I wished all who would use it, extend it, and do
creative things with it be given ready access with minimal hassle.
Today the original wording of the permission no longer conveys that
spirit, and the dozens of developers to whom I paid tribute in my
Foreword to Rick Boulanger's The Csound Book have felt it a deterrent
making the best extensions they can. So with the graceful consent of
MIT's Technology Licensing Office, I am declaring my part of Public
Csound to be Open Source, as defined by the LGPL standard. This does
not compromise the work of others, nor does it make the whole of Public
Csound into Free Software. But it does create a more realistic basis
upon which others can build their own brand of Csound extensions, in
spirit of my efforts over the years.
I am indebted to John ffitch for having protected me from the enormous
of daily maintenance in recent years. His spirit is even greater than
mine, and I trust you will continue to accord him that recognition as
you go forward.
Barry Vercoe
kwconder at yahoo dot com
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