Hi All -
Thanks to the assistance of Nick Dowell at Focusrite
I have working MIDI over USB for Novation ReMOTE 25 Audio
AKA X-Station. The attached patch builds and runs cleanly
using the latest Fedora Core 3 update kernel (2.6.10 #741).
I don't have the MIDI only device or the Speedio to test
with but if they operate as Nick describes these should
also do MIDI over USB with my patch.
I don't think I broke anything but if anybody can
check out this patch with other devices, particularly Roland
and MIDIMAN devices I'd be much obliged.
Hello all,
After having struggle a lot in order to make ecasound and ardour working
on my Gentoo (Christopher is it working well with your's ?) I have decided
to use another strategy to setup my Dub Soundsystem.
I have choosen :
always TerminatorX (Tx) to play the tracks and MuSE 0.7.1 to do the rest.
The problem is that MuSE does a strange thing. Let me explain :
I have 2 stereo tracks
track 1 connected to Tx without effect
track 2 connected to Tx with the Glame Bandpass Analog Filter
So, if I activate the plugin of the track 2 the track 1 looks mono and I
can hear that the effect is also acting on it.
is this a bug in MuSE or it is the Glame Bandpass Analog Filter to claim
the fault ?
Best regards
PS : it would be nice if the interface window of a plugin closes when we
remove the plugin from the track :)
I tried to use the cvs snapshot from the 13th of June last year to do some
work. But it wouldn't accept commands.
I did:
$ linuxsampler
It told me that everything was well. Then I connected to it with telnet:
$ telnet localhost 8888
That succeeded, too. Then I tried just writing a comment:
# this is a comment
Still worked, but when I tried to put any real command to it, it just said:
ERR:0:Unknown command.
Or something like it. I took the commands from the draft. But the sampler
even wouldn't accept "quit". I tried quit, Quit and QUIT and the same with
single and double quotes.
Any fix for this? I need to use the text-mode (telnet way).
Kindest regards
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
======== FIND MY WEB-PROJECT AT: ========
http://ltsb.sourceforge.net - the Linux TextBased Studio guide
Snd-ls v0.9.2.0
Released 21.1.2005
Snd v7.10 from 20.1.2005
Snd-ls is a distribution of the sound editor Snd, made by Bill
Schottstaedt. Its target is people that don't know scheme very well, and
don't want to spend too much time configuring Snd. It can also serve as a
quick introduction to Snd and how it can be set up.
1. Edit the file config.scm, for configuration settings.
2. Run ./build
3. Run ./install as root.
It is not necessarry to uninstall any previously installed versions of
Snd. Snd-ls should not interfere with already installed versions.
After installing, the name of the executable is "snd-ls".
To uninstall, run ./uninstall
Required packages
(guile-devel, gtk-2-devel, liblrdf-devel and gcc is also needed at
0.9.2-beta1 ->
-Updated SND to v7.10 from 20.1.2005. Many important changes. -> 0.9.2-beta1
-Updated SND to v7.8 from 12.8.2004. Many important changes. ->
-Made the apply-button always apply to selection if there is a selection. ->
-Removed some options from the edit-menu that interfered with the way
snd_conffile works. ->
-Made the insert-option in the edit-menu insert monofiles into the
currently selected channel.
-Added libxt-dev to the list of required packages. (Thanks to robin)
-Made mono-files play in both left and right channel when using Jack. ->
-Short fix for the nodeline-class.
0.9.1 ->
-Fixed Append File edit-menu option.
-Workaround for trouble with ladspa default settings.
0.9.0 -> 0.9.1:
-Official announced.
-Upgraded SND from 20.7.2004 to 2.8.2004
-Huge amount of testing at Notam by 14 unexperienced guinea pigs for
a whole week; many bugs fixed.
Snd: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/snd/
Guile: http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/guile.html
Snd is made by Bill Schottstaedt. This small package is put
together by Kjetil Matheussen / Notam, with consulting
help from Bill Schottstaedt.
>From: Mario Lang <mlang(a)delysid.org>
>[1] http://delysid.org/tuneit.html
First, I have one more project:
-Overview file format for libsndfile; e.g., (min,max,rms) per block;
the overview file would be used, e.g., for fast waveform drawing
Then, thanks. I will check the pitch detectors you have.
I have collected papers on pitch detectors if you want
take a look at them -- I will check too, of course.
Do you know how your code could be changed to the formant
detector? It must be a harder project. Two first formants
should be tracked.
for developers of open source graphics software
qsampler gives me this strange error:
Loading gig file 'NON_MODAL '/home/fons/FreePiano.gig''...gig::Engine error: Failed to load instrument, cause: Can't open "NON_MODAL '/home/fons/FreePiano.gig'"
I've no idea where the 'NON_MODAL' thing is coming from, or how to
get rid of it...
...with some info:
>From the index page:
"The Extensible Embeddable Language
EEL is a scripting and programming language, designed
specifically for hard real time applications.
The primary target areas of application are control
engineering and audio synthesis, but EEL should also
be suitable for game scripting and for adding
scripting capabilities to real time multimedia
//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate
.- Audiality -----------------------------------------------.
| Free/Open Source audio engine for games and multimedia. |
| MIDI, modular synthesis, real time effects, scripting,... |
`-----------------------------------> http://audiality.org -'
--- http://olofson.net --- http://www.reologica.se ---
Hi folks
I wanna collect some info of all my *.mp3 such as
lenght (sec), samplerate(hz) , nubmer of channels (m/s), birtrate(VBR/hz)
and maybe something else.
Which #include <hdr.h> , typedef , and functions() i need use ?
Recursive dir search i have yet.
Any ideas ?
Tnx in advance
Dave Robillard:
> Anyone know of any other alternatives?
Have you looked at rscheme? It has a realtime garbage collector
and does both interpreting and compiling.
Thereses not much documentatyion, but the source is easy to read.
Steve Harris:
> Yep, for performance coding I would say SC is the best bet, I've seen a
> live coding performance, and it was very impressive. Almost enough to make
> me want to use emacs. Almost ;)
> I was thinking of a live C compiler for prototyping and testing
> purposes.
What a coincidence! I'm just working on something like that.
This is what you are looking for:
The url above is pointing to the cvs-entry of the file eval-c.scm in the
snd sound editor. Eval-c is c-code using s-expressions (which I know you
hate, allthough I don't know why, perhaps you are crazy...), compiled,
linked and run on the fly. Place the cursor above an eval-c block in
emacs, press ctrl+alt+x, and there it flies. (I have also added support
for classes and a lot more, but those additions hasn't been made public
By the way, this is the way lrdf-support is handled in snd.
eval-c takes as arguments lisp- and C-like blocks, generates c-code from
it, and runs it.
Some reasons to use eval-c:
* Easy integration of c-code from within lisp.
Mix C and Lisp in the same source without making it look strange.
* Use lisp-macros to generate c-code. (There is a special macro function
called "define-c-macro" that works with eval-c)
* Generate/compile/link/run c-code on the fly.
* Some people think prefix notation is nice.
* Speed. C is faster than guile.
* Hides guile-semantic to access C-code from guile. Less need to read the
guile manual.
* Global functions does not need to be defined at the top-level. (that is
a good thing,
The simplest fibonacci function:
(define-c <int> (fib ((<int> n))
(if (< n 2)
(return n)
(return (+ (fib (- n 1))
(fib (- n 2)))))))
The define-c macro will produce the following code:
(eval-c ""
(<int> fib (lambda ((<int> n))
(if (< n 2)
(return n)
(return (+ (fib (- n 1))
(fib (- n 2)))))))))
The "public" macro will change the code so that it looks something like
(eval-c ""
(<int> fib (lambda ((<int> n))
(if (< n 2)
(return n)
(return (+ (fib (- n 1))
(fib (- n 2)))))))
(<static-SCM> fib_eval_c_helper (lambda ((<SCM> n))
(return (MAKE_INTEGER (fib
(GET_INTEGER n))))))
(scm_c_define_gsubr "fib" 1 0 0 fib_eval_c_helper)))
And after running the "lambda", "if" and "run-now" macros, eval-c will
produce and run the following c-code:
int fib (int n){
if ((n < 2))
return (n);
return ((fib ((n - 1)) + fib ((n - 2))));
static SCM fib_eval_c_helper (SCM n){
return (MAKE_INTEGER (fib (GET_INTEGER (n))));
static void run_now_1 (){
scm_c_define_gsubr ("fib", 1, 0, 0, fib_eval_c_helper);
The first function is the fibonacci generator, and the
second function is the guile-wrapper. (GET_INTEGER and
MAKE_INTEGER are just simple C macros.)
"run_now"-functions are run once when the file is loaded.
>From guile you now have a function called "fib" which takes
one argument.
Hello world looks like this:
(eval-c ""
(printf (string "Hello world!\\n"))))
First argument to eval-c is a string with compiling/linking options.
Usually just "", but can be "-lsnd" or something if needed.