I have SCONS installed and when i type scons, it gives me this:
Checking for libsigc++-1.2...
Package sigc++-1.2 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `sigc++-1.2.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'sigc++-1.2' found
I've been trying to build this for hours and I can't find sigc++1.2.pc
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Hi all,
as it is LAC time, it's also release time :) .
Simple Sysexxer is a GUI sysex tool comparable to Sysexxer, but it's
based on Qt4 (no KDE dependency) and ALSA only (no OSS dependency).
Theoretically it should also build and run on Mac OS X, but I didn't try
it yet.
Feedback and bugreports are always welcome.
Information and source code:
Best regards
maybe someone here can help?
<paniq> i need a decoder library that works on win32/linux, can decode
wav/ogg/mp3, can seek with sample precision and supports rendering of
userdefined frame sizes
<larsl> I'd say libsndfile, but it doesn't do MP3.
<paniq> which isnt that bad tho. i hate mp3.
<larsl> http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/
<paniq> no ogg support
<paniq> only support for wav files
<paniq> i'm not fond of adding separate libs with different apis to
access different audio codecs
-- leonard "paniq" ritter
-- http://www.mjoo.org
-- http://www.paniq.org
I'm in a cruft killing mood.
Has anyone ever used ImplementationData? I know I haven't, and I goggled
for it, but all I found was the ladspa.h file, which has a comment to the
affect of: we're not sure why you'd need this, but, just incase here's a
void *.
If anoyone has used it, or has a potential use for it, it should stay, but
otherwise it should go IMHO.
- Steve
I've added the port shortnames (ladspa:shortname). This is still tentative
in my mind, but as long as it doesn't cause any serious objections it will
Following a suggestion from Richard Furze I've removed the LADSPA_Data
type and replaced it with void. The ports are datatyped in the data, but
currently only ladspa:float is supported. I have misgivings about this,
but it seems like a good way to open up to more datatypes in the future.
I'd hate to see a future where there are plugins for translating between
different kinds of boring PCM data, that would suck, but this could allow
for some exciting developments. The first person to make a LADSPA plugin
that speaks 16bit int PCM audio data gets the LART treatment ;)
- Steve
I like the bundle idea. What are the reasons to not use it? Reasons to use it include ease of distribution (especially on other platforms like osx).
I think bundles are a great idea that should be adopted by other unixen.
Or, can we make it so that bundles are a possible method of distribution and either it or the typical installation into various directories could be used?
We haven't heard from a number of key people yet, but I think the overall
impression is positive so far. There are a number of decisions that need
to be made if it's going to go ahead. Either things that I didn't
consider, or where I made arbitrary choices:
A) Dropping runAdding: personally I dont think runAdding is worthwhile. How
many hosts take advantage of it? Its something LADSPA 1.1 can do and 2.0
wouldn't be able to though.
B) RDF syntax: RDF/Turtle seems a lot more popular in these parts than
RDF/XML. We could mandate Turtle for all LADSPA metadata.
C) Port scales: these weren't really in LADSPA 1.x, but they were in lrdf, so
adding them is a bit arguable. I think they're clearly beneficial though,
and they are getting close to critcal mass recently.
D) Port shortnames: for OSC, Pd etc. access. I dont have a strong feeling on
that. It /is/ an extension, but retrofitting it will mean OSC servers etc.
will have to support both accessor methods.
E) Bundles: no-one screamed when I suggested it, but its a bit different to
LADSPA 1's /lib directory. Hosts would be required to allow the plugin
link to libraries in the bundle if they need to (this is why OPENSTEP did
it, I guess its done by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but I dont know), which
is a bit more work, but makes moving plugins between machines easier. Oh,
and the plugins needs to have the path of its bundle passed to it when its
instantiated, which isn't in the API right now.
F) Host OS specific macros in ladspa-2.h that Jack O'Q suggested. It seems
like a reasonable idea to me. No need to punish users of inferiour OSs
more than they are allready ;)
- Steve
First of all, I realised I was being cheeky by adding a feature I wanted
(units), while refusing to consider anyone elses! So, I removed the units
property from the Amp plugin. I'm happy to consider it a testcase and I
will make a schema for it and start using it when/if LADSPA2 gets OKd by
the community.
I made 2 actual ABI changes:
The path of the directory/bundle is passed to instantiate(). This is
neccessary to make it actually useful. It could have been passed to other
methods, but that seemed most appropriate.
For some potential features, like Fons' polyphonic control ports, it's hard
for the plugin to detect wether the host is using the feature or not. I
added an array of URIs to instantiate() that lets the host tell the plugin
what hints etc. it supports. The plugin can then refuse to instantiate or
fall back if it doesn't like the featureset.
I also added some (silly) scale points to the Amp plugin, just to show how
it's done, and I added translations to some of the strings, to show how
that's done.
- Steve
I released today an experimental software that allows
you to process
sound/image as a single FFT (and other) transforms.
Also, the program can transform sound to images and
vice-versa. Because
this, you can apply a blurring or swirling effect to
sound, or
revereberation/flange effect to images ;-)
Many effects sounds/looks very strange (in my opinion
theese are the
sounds I ever heard - hard to describe in words -
better listen them).
You can download the alpha-stage source code from
and I recomand you to see/listen some examples at
A related software to this is Mammut (
), but this
aims to be modular and to do more :)
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Only really a toy, but:
Aparently, ages ago I made an online LADSPA 2 RDF metadata editor:
It's very similar to the stuff I knocked up last night, though its not
exactly the same (the namespace is different, and it uses ladspa: for
everything, not DC where it should). It generates and reads longhand-only
Turtle (AKA NTriples).
I might fix it up to match the current strawman at some point, but I dont
think it's important.
- Steve