On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 06:01:18PM -0400, Dave
Robillard wrote:
On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 22:47 +0100, Steve Harris
I'm in a cruft killing mood.
Has anyone ever used ImplementationData? I know I haven't, and I goggled
for it, but all I found was the ladspa.h file, which has a comment to the
affect of: we're not sure why you'd need this, but, just incase here's a
void *.
If anoyone has used it, or has a potential use for it, it should stay, but
otherwise it should go IMHO.
I was just thinking this while going through the header (cleaned it up a
bit). I don't even really understand what it's purpose is to be honest,
never have.
What does it allow that would not be possible if it weren't there?
Well, it somewhere to stash "class" level information, but I just use
statics (easier) and/or shm (harder, but cross host) for that.
It would be a bit tricky to use as you'd have to be really sure that the
host was only going to request one descriptor, otherwise you'd have
multiple copies of your "class" data, which could be either wasteful or
Ah. It makes sense I suppose, but class data can be static or just put
in the LADSPA_Handle anyway.
I say if it /can/ go without loss of functionality, it should go, so
let's check...
I just grepped my plugins source directory, which I'm relatively certain
contains every LADSPA plugin ever released (and some that weren't).
Other than some (unused) boilerplate in CMT's C++ wrappper, and setting
it to NULL, it's not used once.