Christian <krampenschiesser@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Thanks!
> This is what I meant, but this control is useless for me.
> But I found a way to create this in GIMP.
> I made a circle and cutted it to a controller. Now I could select
> small
> parts of it and set all black colors to red( with
> scriptfu->colors->color convert ).
> It was a lot of work, but worthy!
> so this is what I use right now:
just to be clear, phat uses the rendered output of my animated
version of Thorsten Wilms' knob mesh. (i had no creative
input at all, i just made Thorsten's mesh move)
blender creates a sequence of knob sized frames (with an alpha
channel, should that be desired) then, the image magick tool
"convert" is used (eg "convert +append output.png *.png" to
concatenate the frames into a large single image which can be easily
loaded and manipulated programatically.
(as is done in the phat knob and numerous other pixmap knobs derived
from the galan C code)
the method is independent of the code you use so there's no
reason why it shouldn't be useful to you. in fact, it's so simple
that i've duplicated your red knob design. see here for the
blender (.blend) file:
and here for the output:
it's trivial to change the number of frames, the colours used or
the frame size and re-render it. you can also adjust the output filter
to sharpen or soften the edges.
i must admit though, that with a minimal design like this, you might
do well to implement it algorithmically with drawing operations.
then you can make run time changes to the appearance.
if you want something more complex or tactile then you could use
Thorsten's knob animation or give me a shout and i'll knock something
out to your specs. (although, bear in mind that my blender skills are
somewhat limited so it won't be a work of art =)
I wonder what is the best way to connect applications on the same
computer. Usually I use network and localhost plus custom protocols or
OSC to let them communicate but wonder if pipes are more efficient. The
data to be exchanged is usually control rate, not audio nor video streams.
So what are the pros and cons of pipes versus network?
Malte Steiner
media art + development
jack_capture v0.9.4
jack_capture is a program for recording soundfiles with jack. Its default
operation is to capture whatever sound is going out to your speakers into
a file. This is the program I always wanted to have for jack, but no
one made. So here it is.
Changes 0.9.3 -> 0.9.4:
*Fixed bug that caused max 2 channels to be recorded.
Download from
hey LADs.
For those of you who have not followed the 'fuzztone' thread on LAU. I'd
like to announce a /cool hack/ to ngSpice that provides soundfile I/O
capabilities. - it's more a LAD than a LAU issue anyway.
read more about it on:
Simple tests sound rather promising; but my fuzztone experiment is not
really satisfying yet. well, maybe it's just meant to sound *that* weird
;) - I've got a hunch that the simulated voltage source does not yet
represent a guitar... I will have a look again on the weekend and upload
some samples then. NTL, I've just simulated and verified a RC filter:
I'm sure some of you guys have some spice netlists lying around that
would be suitable for testing and debugging. wanna give 'em a go?
Is there some kind of JACK-ready tool to draw a transfer function (db/db)
of a given chain (last one is something having JACK input and output ports)?
Of course, such tool's opportunity to change a frequency of excitation is my
main dream :-)
Andrew Gaydenko
The current iteration of the LV2 specification seems to have settled
down, and there are a significant number of implementations now, so,
assuming that there's no problems found with the current spec I
propose to rename it as 1.0 in a few weeks time.
Background -
LV2 is an upcoming standard for plugins and matching host
applications. It's mainly targeted at audio processing and generation.
LV2 is a successor to LADSPA, created to address the limitations of
LADSPA which many hosts have outgrown. LV2 is not backwards
compatible, but migration tools will be released once the
specification is finalized.
SLV2 - a library by Dave Robillard that makes it easy to add LV2
support to existing hosts, includes example code and documentation.
tarball: , docs:
doc/slv2/modules.html and sample code:
LL plugins - lots of native LV2 plugins, an extension and a host that
implements the extension, all written by Lars Luthman.
Zynjacku - a host for LV2 instruments by Nedko Arnaudov. http://
Ingen - a modular synth host that uses LV2, DSSI and LADSPA plugins
as its modules. Written by Dave Robillard.
SWH plugins - a port of my LADSPA plugins to LV2. http://
- Steve
Here's my list of audio products that are based on Linux. Does anybody
have more to add? Is there somewhere online we can post and maintain a
Harrison consoles
Yamaha Motif XS
Waves DPA
Roland Edirol RG-100
Lemur multi-touch controller
Muse Receptor
HHB Portadrive
Midas XL8
Lawo consoles
Hartman Neuron
Lionstracs MediaStation keyboard
LCS Systems
-Ben Loftis
Hi there,
Thanks for the reply. Which UM-2 were you using? I see a few out
there. The UM-2 I know of is only midi. I need audio in/out.
Technical Director - Virginia Center for Computer Music
Has anyone seen source for it? I'm frankly tantalized. First of all, the
unit sounds very well. And, while the new display is apparently
colorful, it's still all text--I'm guessing ncurses or slang. Does
anyone know?
My interest and hope is to access display data over the builtin
ethernet tcp/ip connection in order to provide a speaking alternative
interface for blind musicians (like me). This seems emminently possible
except that Yamaha have locked all ports by default--I know, I nmap'd
Still, they chose to build the XS using Linux. And they clearly have
chosen more f/oss tools, at least Samba is also clearly there judging by
the options available in the Network configuration menu.
So, how to gain access? How to get some small shell on board? I should
think the source is a place to start. It's clear they know they're under
the GPL here, because they publish it in Chapter 34 of the User Manual.
But the source ... ... ? ? ?
Janina Sajka, Phone: +1.202.595.7777;
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC http://CapitalAccessibility.Com
Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com
Chair, Open Accessibility janina(a)
Linux Foundation
Hi everyone!
I still have the problem: If I try to create more than 2 jack-devices,
LinuxSampler just quits. did anyone else ever experience that problem? Is that
problem known to the LS-crowd? Is it possibly just a restriction, for I get no
error or is it a real bug?
I'd be happy about some answers, for it'd be really a great help in
recording and processing my tracks.
If there's anything I can do to assist in isolating the problem, just tell
me what to do!
Kindest regards
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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