On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 5:42 PM, nescivi <nescivi(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On Tuesday 29 July 2008 09:05:46 Fons Adriaensen
Anyone knows a good vector drawing program for
Linux ?
Absolute requirements are:
- Lines, arrows, boxes, circles, etc.
- Linewidths and styles, colors, filling.
- Text
- PDF or PS export.
- PNG and JPEG import (no bitmap editing required).
- Accuracy.
I've been using TGIF for years, but I'm more and
more being blocked by its main flaw which is that
it seems to use a unit of 0.2mm internally (in
metric mode) which is orders of magnitude too big.
Tried QCAD and INKSCAPE, both fail basic
requirements (and have other problems).
Did you look at PythonCAD?
I did some technical drawings with that...
And... when you need to have things in Latex eventually... pstricks helped me
out for my dissertation making mathematical drawings. You have to type all
your lines and so on, but I found that much faster than trying to draw
something in a graphical environment.
There are also some tools to make an eps from a ps, so that it is not full
page size anymore... ps2eps or something like that...
Actually, I am looking for some 3D software for drawing 3D structures.
Eventual output format needed is STL...
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
http://www.ualberta.ca/~cwant/blender/stl.py is a plugin to export STL
from blender, which is a great environment for modeling 3d, once you
get over the learning curve.
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro is a good
wikibook tutorial, that happens to cover modeling in the first hundred
pages or so of the beginner volume.