On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 01:43:00PM -0600, Thomas Vecchione wrote:
I'll be honest in that I personally find QCad to
be invaluable for 2D
drafting. I am not sure exactly how you are planning on using the vector
drawing program is part of the problem. In the past I have also used
Inkscape for web design, and OpenOffice Draw for some things as well. I,
like others, am curious how QCad and Inkscape fail these basic requirements
for you?
Thanks to all who responded. A short report of my adventures
in CAD land:
* Inkscape. After two hours of trying I still can't draw a simple
rectangle. It gets filled (in blue) and all attempts to change
that have failed.
* Qcad. Some very nice and unique features. Several problems:
- It doesn't seem to use anything but 'plotter fonts' (i.e.
just lines),
- It doesn't seem to have arrows on lines
- It doesn't seem to have a concept of a 'path', I've not
been able to create e.g, a series of connected lines, move
a point and keep the lines connected,
- Printing to PS works, but the layout in the print preview
doesn't correspond to the output. No EPS, so converting to
PDF produces a full page and not a figure that can be inserted
into a pdflatex document.
* Xfig crashed within five minutes.
* Xcircuit segfaulted within three minutes.
The others I have still to try.
Laboratorio di Acustica ed Elettroacustica
Parma, Italia
O tu, che porte, correndo si ?
E guerra e morte !