2011/7/6 David Robillard <d(a)drobilla.net>et>:
For users, there are tarballs of all released extensions, ...
Tarballs are released, and announcements are made. What is the problem?
The problem is: tarballs is plural.
For LV2 you have to download x tars, compile, install and
when you're finally done, your new LV2-plugin still doesn't compile,
cause it would have needed an experimental extension...
my experience so far. Ah right. I should wait for the final release ;)
A second
tarball, including all currently known LV2 plugins.
This could be called >>Official-LV2-plugin-pack_2011-08-01.tar.bz2<<
and could be updated regularly.
I don't think it's appropriate or wise to create any such "official"
thing. Plugins are written by diverse authors in diverse languages with
diverse build systems.
.... Centralization is not a win.
I thinks it can be. I'm not talking about centralizing different projects, but
*final* distribution centralization, a kind of central mirror for
spread projects.
Take ladspa as an example:
There are X websites with ladspa-packages, containing diverse plugins.
Now every maintainer (and interested user) has to track those sites,
downloading from X locations...
My thought: If there was a central collecting point, most maintainers
could simply download
one tar and make the content ready for their distro.
Plugin creators would also benefit: They simply would have to send
their current sources to the collecting point, knowing it
soon became public and spread.
I think actively maintaining, hosting, distributing, and guiding the
development of *extensions* is a job that lv2plug.in should ... do ..
So maybe my request should have gone to that address.
Don't assume that developers actually *want* everything to be
accessible ;) I assure you several developers are actively working to
design, solidify, implement, and release new extensions that will
provide us with new advanced plugin capabilities as quickly as possible.
Pleased to hear that :)