after all that getting everyone worked up about it, it doesn't work for
me. It doesn't support Red Hat 8.0. After a huge amount of hacking I got
it to run and compile, but it won't link anything.
Delphi runs fine, but Pascal sucks, and I am not using it.
So I will go with the Linux spirit and work with Qt/Designer. It looks
really smartly done and I'm sure I can get the hang of it in a while.
I know that GNOME started because Qt used to have a proprietary license
right? I don't really care which desktop (Red Hat all looks the same
anyways) I use but GTK was the most awkward GUI toolkit I ever used.
FLTK is really pretty good and I hope 2.0 will address some issues with
it (like more tutorials on doing graphics/drawing with it).
Oh well! Adios kylix.