Jens M Andreasen wrote:
"Jumping the Gun" is prematurely advertising
some event.
"Jumping the Shark" is inventing new fantastic facts to fit your
bullshit soap-opera script.
Comparing all that English - English idiom explanations on the www I
guess those German translations at are fine:
jumping the gun voreiliges Handeln {n}
idiom to jump the shark [Am.] [coll.] den Höhepunkt überschreiten
Even if your explanation of jumping the shark is correct, it could be
misunderstood ;). When Bobby Ewing rise from the dead, the reason for
this was that the serial season when he was dead, just was a bad dream
of his wife Pamela, the serial again was a best seller. Jumping the
shark means that something, e.g. a serial becomes a bad seller, like
Dallas was, when Bobby was dead :D.