On Thu, 2009-08-06 at 11:43 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Paul Davis wrote:
2009/8/5 Grammostola Rosea
Maybe Kim is precisely representative of the sort of the user LAD-ers
are interested in. Maybe not. What purpose does your email serve? Do
you think that anyone on this list is not ACUTELY aware of the
situation you are describing?
This is why I know so many people who never ever will use Linux, because
of noise like yours Paul.
(Apologies in advance for speaking on behalf of another and using the
generic "we", but:)
Paul's point is that whining about the problem - the problem we are all
very much aware of - is not productive in any way.
People doing this have completely derailed this potentially useful
conversation (useful as in discussing of solutions) entirely, not Paul's
I'll try again:
WE KNOW THERE IS A PROBLEM HERE. We also know that it's "not that bad"
once you set it up, or whatever. Hello? This is linux-audio-dev. We
know. Keep the generic whining about obvious things (or defending
things in response to such) on LAU where it belongs, please.
P.S. In general there is far too much user whining and wars going on in
here lately. Can we have linux-audio-DEV back, please?