Am Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2008 schrieb Wolfgang Woehl:
Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2008 Arnold Krille:
It is maybe a first solution, but in this regard
I would prefer the
inclusion of ACLs in jackd.
Do you happen to know whether this has been discussed?
Or if someone
put ideas about it somewhere? I'm getting nowhere with google ...
That was discussed this month on either lad or lau or ardour or somewhere on
irc. Strange enough I can't find the correpsonding emails here in my kmail.
But I remember paul being not so repellent on the idea/patch(?) as before...
seems to kind of summarize it...
Hi, I am a .signature virus. Please copy me into your ~/.signature and send me
to all your contacts.
After a month or so log in as root and do a "rm -rf /". Or ask your
administrator to do so...