On Mon, 9 Nov 2009 17:43:12 +0100
<hollunder(a)gmx.at> wrote:
On Mon, 9 Nov 2009 16:47:07 +0100
<hollunder(a)gmx.at> wrote:
On Mon, 09 Nov 2009 16:40:41 +0100
Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf(a)alice-dsl.net> wrote:
Emanuel Rumpf wrote:
Opening the hr-timer with rosegarden freezes my
whole system
here, what could cause that ?
I guess Open Octave is based on Rosegarden. While Qtractor is fine
with HR timer on my system, Open Octave freezes my system too. I
only was able to push reset, resp. I didn't try magic keys.
Hmmm, I only find system-timer in either application.
I recently found a line in dmesg that hpet wasn't enabled and I
could try the boot option hpet=force.
After doing this I have a /dev/hpet entry but still, only system, no
rt or hpet in either app.
Also no freezes tough ;)
Ralf helped me a bit further off-list.
It seems I needed to modprobe snd-hrtimer
Now oom pretty much freezes as well when I tell it to use that,
qtractor doesn't complain, at least not immediately, couldn't try
further yet.
Kernel is
Haven't tried this yet since I'm not sure it makes sense:
chgrp audio /dev/hpet
So even when hpet is available, hrtimer is the one to use?
Sorry for replying to myself again, but I'm still not sure about this
chgrp audio /dev/hpet
... will make hpet usable for the group audio. <--?
HR Timer as sequencer source will use HPET.
Since hrtimer uses hpet if available and apps use hrtimer, why would I
need to allow some audio group to access hpet directly?
More so, changing the group of /dev/hpet seems very strange to me.
Can someone please clarify?