On Sat, 2010-11-13 at 11:54 +0100,
fons(a)kokkinizita.net wrote:
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 09:07:35AM +0000,
Folderol wrote:
Why not go the whole hog and use a pre-calculated
look-up table for the whole
You only need to compute the L,R gains when they change.
Using a second order approximation such as the ones I
poster earlier is probably faster than a lookup table
in practice.
Here's one more:
p = panning position, 0...1
m = panning law control, 0...1
q = 1 - p
d = m * p * q
L_gain = q + d
R_gain = p + d
m = 0 -> -6 dB at center
m = 1 -> -2.5 dB at center
This takes three additions and two multiplications, which is peanuts.
Thank you for your explanations Fons :).
Is there a 'most common value' for the centre?
I do know several analog mixing consoles from el cheapo to very
expensive and all pan pots are ok, I can't notice an audible difference.
I only know one very el cheapo mixing console, the Yamaha RM 602,
http://i1.tinypic.com/6fzx1k1.jpg , where the pan pots are crappy. As a
youngster I started with this mixer :), using the pan pot means to
readjust the faders ;).
One thing I wonder about is the exact value of the center. I've seen
panning in software between -1 and +1 and a center of +/- 0 where it
made a difference whether it was + or -. It's easy to get confused by
stuff like that if you're a nitpicker :)