On 10 May 2007, at 16:10, Lars Luthman wrote:
On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 16:05 +0100, Steve Harris
Re-parenting can be done using the XEMBED protocol, implemented in
GTK as the Socket and Plug widgets. You need to give the Socket the
window ID of the Plug or vice versa, so to do it in DSSI would
require a
(trivial) extension of the host <-> GUI communication protocol. I did
some simple experiments with it earlier and it seems to work fine.
OK, well that's cool then.
It would still suck on windows because processes are very expensive
there, but that doesn't concern me too much; X servers are not that
common on windows anyway, so hypothetical DSSI/LV windows UIs could
use a different mechanism.
Lars' GUI extension is directly embeddable without a separate process or
xembed hacks or anything.
'course it's also GTK only..